Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group campaigns in Rochdale Metropolitan Borough for peace, justice and a nuclear free future. We are affiliated to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Stop the War Coalition. Our monthly meetings are held at 8 pm on the second Wednesday of each calender month. We hold regular stalls on Saturday mornings in Rochdale town centre and in other parts of the borough.
“This is money that needs instead to be invested in education, in health and in alleviating poverty in Rochdale, in Britain and across the world.”
Philip Gilligan held a placard with the message 'Rochdale says Support our troops. BRING THEM HOME!!' in Trafalgar Square, while listening to speeches from former soldier Joe Glenton imprisoned earlier this year for refusing to return to fight in Afghanistan; other members of Military Families Against the War, whose sons, daughters and partners have been killed or are still serving there and from speakers highlighting the fact that the war in Afghanistan costs the country £5billion per year.
Philip Gilligan said,
"NATO's disastrous war is destroying lives and costing money. During the last few days, we have heard of the death of the 100th British soldier to die during 2010 and have, again, heard military experts tell us that this war is unwinnable. The governments of Blair, Brown, Cameron and Clegg have been sending our young men and women to be killed and to kill in Afghanistan for nine years, but nothing has been achieved beyond propping-up a notoriously corrupt regime in Kabul.
At a time when health services are being withdrawn from our town, when our council is planning to cut £50million from services and put 900 people at risk of losing their jobs and when many young people are to be priced-out of a university education because of increased tuition fees, it seems that the government can still find £5billion a year to spend on a futile war they know cannot be won and know is opposed by the overwhelming majority of the British public.
David Cameron meeting with other NATO leaders in Lisbon, now, tells us that the plan is for British troops to continue to be sent to Afghanistan to kill and be killed, there, at least until 2015. He is expecting us to accept another four years of pointless deaths, destruction and injuries, simply to save him and others from needing to admit that it was a mistake to invade Afghanistan in the first place. This disaster has already gone on for far too long. It needs to be stopped now. Our troops need to be brought home in 2010; not at some date in the distant future, by which time many more Afghan civilians and many more NATO troops will have died needlessly, just so the politicians responsible can save face."
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group called for British troops to be brought home from Afghanistan and for an end to NATO's war when they leafleted in Rochdale town centre on Saturday, 13 November 2010. They urged people to join them on the forthcoming 'Afghanistan: Time to Go' demonstration called by the Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the British Muslim Initiative to demand an end to NATO's occupation.
They collected signatures on a petition which notes the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, and the destabilisation of Pakistan resulting from NATO's military intervention in the region and states that only the Afghan people can generate a political solution to their country's problems
Philip Gilligan on behalf of the group said,
"NATO's disastrous war costs lives and money, but achieves nothing. More British troops have already died in 2010 than in any previous year, while tens of thousands of Afghan civilians and more than two thousand NATO troops have been killed since 2001. While Rochdale is losing its hospital services and the Council is sacking essential staff, this war is costing the country £5billion every year. This is enough to offset the full cost of the government's cuts to Child and Housing Benefits and to still leave more than £2billion to spend on essential services.
Almost every day we hear of the deaths of British troops. 1,499 have been wounded. We need to bring our troops home. The killing in Afghanistan must stop."Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group were in Middleton on Saturday (16 October 2010) collecting signatures for the latest Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)'s petition calling on the government to scrap the Trident nuclear weapons system and cancel all plans to replace it. With placards declaring 'Nurses Not Nukes' and 'Treatment Not Trident', they urged people to join them in telling the government and MPs that they want an end to all spending on nuclear weapons and want the money saved spent instead on protecting education, health and social services.
On behalf of the group, Philip Gilligan said,
“At a time of economic crisis, when essential services for vulnerable people are being drastically cut, it is simply not acceptable to be spending £2,000,000,000 (£2billion) per year on nuclear weapons of mass destruction. When disabled people are being threatened with reductions in their benefits and care homes are being closed in our borough, because of a lack of funds, it is scandalous that £billions are being squandered on new facilities at AWE Aldermaston developing ever more deadly nuclear weapons. When young people are being told that it will cost them £7,000 per year in tuition fees at university, it is crazy that the government is still planning to spend tens of £billions on a new nuclear weapons system we do not need. It is already clear that most people in Britain are opposed to spending any more money on Trident. We want our taxes spent on decent public services, not on nuclear weapons. Trident is an immoral, illegal and hideous misuse of public funds. This is money that needs to be spent on essential services."
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group has welcomed the news that the National Security Council will consider whether the country can afford the cost of Trident replacement at its next meeting.
Rae Street on behalf of the group said,
"Although the government has previously said that the future of Britain's nuclear weapons system would not be included in the Strategic Defence and Security Review, the need to stop squandering money on Trident has clearly dominated the public's suggestions about ways to cut public expenditure and the government has, now, been forced to concede that this issue needs to be discussed. Senior military chiefs also argue that Trident is an outmoded Cold war weapon which has no role to play against current and foreseeable threats. It was always extraordinary for Liam Fox to refuse to include the Trident nuclear weapons system in the review while other massive cuts are being made in the Defence budget and in public spending more generally. Common sense seems to have prevailed for the moment and I trust that the coalition government will now begin to listen to public opinion. We need to scrap plans for upgrading these nuclear weapons of mass destruction and to begin decommissioning the whole costly and dangerous Trident system. We need our taxes to be spent on public services, not on the means for threatening death and destruction in the world."Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group joined anti-nuclear campaigners in East London on Saturday (10 July 2010) to highlight the fact that trains carrying highly-radioactive nuclear cargoes such as fuel rods are being taken through the 2012 Olympic site and other densely populated areas of the country on a weekly basis. Rae Street, Pat Sanchez and Philip Gilligan walked around the Olympic stadium to Stratford railway station where they joined fellow protesters in a symbolic ‘die-in’ in front of the Olympic Clock.
Pat Sanchez said,
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group took its ‘Cut Trident Save Services’ message to the Budget Day demonstration outside Rochdale town hall on Tuesday evening, 22 June 2010.
Philip Gilligan carried the group’s mock Trident nuclear missile on his back, displaying a price tag of £97bn (£97,000,000,000). He said,
“Today’s budget is a major assault on local jobs and services. The coalition government says that they need to ‘reduce the deficit’, but they are ignoring the cost of the unnecessary and dangerous Trident nuclear missile system and refuse to even include Trident in their review of defence spending. Greenpeace estimates that the cost of ‘Trident Replacement’ will total £97billion. Based on population, Rochdale’s share of this would amount to a staggering £300million; six times the £50million cuts, now, threatened in next year’s Rochdale Council budget. This is money that could and should be spent on the jobs and services which the government is now cutting. Trident “is a system we simply cannot afford”. We need to cut nuclear weapons of mass destruction, not the public services we need.”
‘Cut Trident not Treatment!’, ‘Cut Nukes not Nurses!’ ‘Fund Welfare not Warfare!’ These were amongst the messages that Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group shared with shoppers in Yorkshire Street on Saturday (12 June 2010).
Philip Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group said,
Pat Sanchez ensured that Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group was represented at the demonstration at the Brimar factory on Friday 19 March 2010.
Pat comments,
“Brimar, make the targeting equipment for the US M1A1 tanks that took part in the 'second battle of Fallujah', in Nov 04. The company also supplies parts for the delivery of depleted uranium munitions, not only by the M1A2 tank, the Bradley IFV and the Challenger 11 but by the notorious A-10 Warthog planes that have left so much contamination in Iraq. Contamination that is linked to a huge increase in birth defects and cancers. The sad thing is that the firm used to make goods with a purely civilian use, goods that no worker need have felt ashamed to make.
It was a lovely bright morning, a blackbird was singing - it felt like spring had at last come. But it felt totally wrong that workers were calmly turning up for a job that was going to help rain down death and mutilation not only for the immediate targets of those weapons, but for their descendents for many generations to come.”