Greater Manchester and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament unanimously supported a resolution from Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group at its Annual General Meeting at Cross Street Unitarian Chapel, Manchester on Saturday (6 February 2010) .
The resolution which was supported by CND members from throughout Greater Manchester noted the continuing oppression of the Palestinian people by the Israeli government, the representation of Iran as a danger to the world by Tony Blair at the Chilcot enquiry and the facts that Israel possesses more than 100 nuclear warheads, that Israeli government spokespeople speak openly about the possibility of bombing Iran and that the UK government will not support the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East,
It committed GM&DCND to working with Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign and others to continue to raise awareness of these issues.
Philip Gilligan, who moved the resolution on behalf of the peace group, said,
“Hypocrites and warmongers like Tony Blair are very quick to threaten the people of Iran, but they maintain a deafening silence about Israel’s huge arsenal of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, Gordon Brown and David Miliband collude with those who prevent effective action being taken to deal with Israel’s war crimes. They do nothing to ensure that the recommendations of Judge Goldstone’s report on the brutal attacks against the people of Gaza are implemented. Blair, Brown and Miliband refuse to support the long standing calls at the United Nations for a nuclear free Middle East. Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group will continue to work with its friends in the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and others to expose the threat posed by Israel’s nuclear weapons of mass destruction and to expose the hypocrisy of those in Britain who support and defend the war criminals in the Israeli government.”