Members and supporters of the Rochdale branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) gathered on Yorkshire Street on Saturday 22 January 2011 to commemorate the deaths of 1500 Palestinian civilians killed two years ago during Israel's attacks on Gaza. They urged people in Rochdale to join them in pressing for an end to Israel's ongoing siege of Gaza and for shoppers to boycott all Israeli produced goods, until Israel respects human rights and international law.
Rochdale PSC coordinator, Jenny Turner said,
“Many hundreds of children were killed in the Israeli onslaught on there homes in Gaza in early 2009. We recall these unnecessary deaths with deep sadness and a sense of shame that governments, including our own, did so little to stop them. Two years later Israel continues to besiege the people of Gaza and to perpetrate crimes such as building illegal settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes throughout the Occupied Territories. Six decades of resolutions passed at the United Nations have not resulted in any progress for Palestinian refugees or for people living under occupation. Governments are doing too little to help Palestinians. It is time for ordinary people to act and to stand up for justice for and against oppression. We can all do this every time we go shopping. We urge people to join the boycott campaign. Check the label; don't buy goods labelled 'Israel' or 'West Bank'. Complain to and challenge shops and supermarkets and supermarkets that try to sell you oranges, avocados and dates grown by illegal settlers on stolen Palestinian land. Ask them for genuine Palestinian products. Together we can make a difference.”