Peace Group asks what Rochdale wants for Christmas
campaigners from Rochdale and Littleborough Peace
Group donned Santa hats in Yorkshire Street on Saturday
(13 December 2014) to ask Rochdale's shoppers what they really want for
Christmas. Their giant letter read "Dear Santa, We live in Rochdale and
we have tried to be good this year. What we really want for Christmas is
to know that the government will stop wasting £billions on the Trident
nuclear weapons system and will start spending this money on:"
Individuals were invited to write their own suggestions on squares which
they added to the board. Many focused on the health service, including
requests for better hospital services in Rochdale, nurses and doctors.

Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group said
“Christmas shoppers in Yorkshire Street were very clear that they think
that the £3billion which the government wastes every year on the Trident
nuclear weapons system can be better spent on everything from better
services for Alzheimers patients to allotments; an end to the bedroom
tax to more midvives and from crossing ladies to better mental heath
services and jobs for learning disabled people. They are angry that
successive governments have continued
to squander £billions on useless and dangerous nuclear weapons of mass
destruction, but
constantly divert scarce resources from the public services we all need.
They want the Trident system decommissioned and they want the
government to scrap plans to squander another £100billion
on even more dangerous and expensive nuclear weapons. They want the
money which could so easily be saved to be spent on the NHS, the jobs,
homes and the social and education services we need.”