Rochdale campaigners join 'peace-knits' to Wrap Up Trident
and Littleborough Peace Group joined thousands of protesters from around the
country on Saturday (24 January 2015) to wrap the Ministry of Defence in two
miles of the bright pink peace scarf knitted for the Wool Against Weapons
campaign. They, then joined a rally opposite the Houses of Parliament, where
the crowd carried placards with messages including "A&E not WMD",
"Books Not Bombs" "Jobs Not Trident"., "NHS Not
Trident" and "Homes Not Trident". They called on the Government
to "wrap up" the ever more costly Trident nuclear missiles
Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group said “We are here to give the government
and our own MPs a very clear message. They need to take the issue of the
£billions squandered on useless and dangerous nuclear weapons more seriously.
When Rochdale and the rest of the country desperately needs an end to austerity
and improved health, education and social services, it is unacceptable for our
MPs to remain indifferent and non-committal about plans to waste a further £100
billion on developing an even more dangerous Trident system. We need them to
tell us much more clearly what they think about the Trident system and plans to
replace it. Last week Simon Danczuk and Liz MMcInnes had a clear opportunity in
Parliament to represent the views of their electorates and to vote against
so-called 'Trident Replacement'. I am appalled that they failed to do so.
Failing to vote and avoiding discussion is not enough.”