Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Bombing is NOT the Answer!
Members of Rochdale Unison, Rochdale Green
Party, the Littleborough branch of Rochdale Labour Party and Rochdale
and Littleborough Peace Group met outside Rochdale Town Hall on Saturday
morning (28 November 2015) to urge Rochdale's MPs to reject the
Conservative government's call for members of parliament to approve
airstrikes against Syria.

The peace
campaigners observed a minute's silence to remember the deaths of the
tens of thousands killed in the war in Syria and the hundreds killed in
recent atrocities in Beirut, in the Sinai and in Paris. They unanimously
endorsed the statement by Momentum Rochdale, Heywood and Middleton
published yesterday (27 November 2015) calling on Rochdale MP Simon
Danczuk to oppose David Cameron's call for airstrikes when the question
is debated in parliament.
Many of the
group then travelled to central Manchester to join the Greater
Manchester Stop the War Coalition's rally and march against the bombing
of Syria; one of many held throughout the country on Saturday.
Philip Gilligan, on behalf of the group said,
"‘The grim atrocities carried out by the so-called Islamic State (IS) / Daesh have rightly shocked and repulsed the world, but heaping further atrocities onto the people of Syria cannot be the answer. Airstrikes inevitably result in the deaths of civilians; innocent children, women and men who have played no part in the actions of IS. Further bombing would not fix the problem, but bombing would expose us all to an even greater danger from terrorist attacks.
The situation does not need more pointless retaliatory violence and yet more deaths. What is urgently needed is both humanitarian assistance for refugees, and agreements between key nations to ensure that the supply of weapons and money to IS is halted, that its oil is not bought and that its bank accounts are closed. This would be far more effective than a further fanning of the flames of violence. Our MPs need to act on the lessons of Iraq and Libya. Another disastrous and ill-conceived bombing campaign would only make the situation worse."
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Petitioning and Planting for Peace
Supporters joined members of Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group in Littleborough on Saturday morning (31 October 2015),
to sign the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's petition calling for the
Trident nuclear system to be scrapped and not replaced. People also
paused to admire crocus and daffodil bulbs planted by the group in the
shape of the CND symbol and collected leaflets encouraging them to join
to join the forthcoming 'STOP TRIDENT' demonstration in London on 27
February 2016 and to become members of CND.
On behalf of the Peace Group, Philip Gilligan said:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group Play a Full Part in CND Conference

Both resolutions were passed by the conference which involved CND members from across all parts of Britain.
Sanchez said, "I was very pleased that the resolution from Rochdale and
Littleborough Peace Group passed unanimously. It is essential that we
recognise both the immoral waste of public money
involved in funding a nuclear weapons system and that we understand and
expose the horrific consequences that would result for us all from any
use of those nuclear weapons; whether intended or accidental."
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Peace Group Responds to Osborne's Insult to Parliament Over Trident

On behalf of the Peace Group, Philip Gilligan said:
"Nuclear weapons will not keep our country safe and secure.
George Osborne has his priorities all wrong. He should be funding the
public services we need, not squandering £100 billion on a new
generation of
nuclear weapons. The Chancellor should not be wasting money on Trident
when people are dying within
our benefits system. Osborne is cutting essential
services and benefits for the vulnerable, while effectively making them
pay for weapons of mass destruction. His government is giving obscene amounts to the nuclear
weapons industry for
outdated weapons of mass destruction at the same time he is hitting ordinary people with
welfare sanctions and forcing them to exist on stagnant wages."
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Hiroshima / Nagasaki - Never Again

Philip Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group, said:
"In 1945, the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused
utter devastation. By 1950, over 340,000 people had died as a result and
generations were poisoned by radiation. The explosion's effects killed
indiscriminately by vaporising human tissue. Many survivors of the
initial blast burned to death, while cancers caused by the radiation
affected countless others, causing years of misery to both adults and
children. That is the effect of a nuclear weapon. 70 years later, in
2015, Britain continues to threaten all our futures with nuclear weapons
of mass destruction. 16,000 nuclear weapons threaten the survival of
the world. 225 nuclear warheads are based in Britain as part of the
Trident system. Each of these bombs has eight times the killing power of
the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the bombings, we need to remember what nuclear bombs do and we need to work together to make sure that no-one else suffers such pain and devastation. We need to scrap Trident and begin to finally rid the world of nuclear weapons."

As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the bombings, we need to remember what nuclear bombs do and we need to work together to make sure that no-one else suffers such pain and devastation. We need to scrap Trident and begin to finally rid the world of nuclear weapons."
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Rochdalians say 'No to Austerity. No to Trident'

Philip Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group, said:
"Our country does not need austerity. We do not need cuts in social care. We need to scrap Trident now and to spend our taxes on the services we need, not on weapons of mass destruction.The government threatens essential public services with cut after cut, but it continues to waste £6.6 million a day on nuclear weapons we do not need. Cameron seems intent on squandering even more £billions on ever more dangerous but completely futile nuclear weapons. It is time for us to demand a halt to this madness."
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Don't Nuke the Climate
The Peace Group has signed the 'Don't Nuke the Climate petition'. See:
Saturday, May 30, 2015
NHS Not Trident - 30 May 2015 - Manchester Royal Infirmary
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group joined hundreds of
campaigners from across Greater Manchester on Saturday (30 May 2015) in a call
to “Keep Our NHS Public”. At the rally held at the gates of Manchester Royal
Infirmary campaigners from groups including the People’s Assembly, ‘Save Our
NHS’ and NHS staff and patients united to show their support for the NHS.
Padlocks, covered in reasons why individuals love the NHS, were secured to the
gates of MRI to symbolise the aim of ‘Locking-out Privatisation’ from the NHS
and in celebration of everything a truly public NHS does for people on the
basis of their medical needs. It formed part of the People’s Assembly Against
Austerity’s National day of action, while Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
members promoted the message “NHS NOT Trident” on their placards and T-shirts.
Philip Gilligan on behalf of Rochdale and Littleborough
Peace Group said,
“Peace Group members and supporters are clear that there is
one cut that does need to be made. We need to cut the vast amounts of money
being spent on the Trident nuclear weapons system and to bring an end to the
madness of squandering even more money on an even more dangerous and unnecessary
nuclear weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, we are committed to the campaign
against austerity. We need to be spending more money on public services like
our NHS and adult social care, not less, and we need to protect our public
services from creeping privatisation. We
need to secure our NHS services and ensure that they are not undermined by
those who seek to make a profit from the sick. In Rochdale, we have already seen
a serious erosion of our local hospital services under successive governments.
Now, hospitals across Greater Manchester are under huge amounts of pressure.
Patients wait hours to be seen and hospital targets are not being met. Further
cuts will only increase the problems. The government needs to spend our taxes
on improving these services not on developing ever more dangerous nuclear
Saturday, April 25, 2015
'Vote Out Trident' says Peace Group
On Saturday morning (25 April 2015), twelve days before the general election, Rochdale
and Littleborough Peace Group braved the rain in Yorkshire Street,
Rochdale to urge people to use their votes to bring an end to Britain's
Trident nuclear weapons system.

On behalf of the Peace Group, Philip Gilligan said:

Friday, April 24, 2015
Rae Street reports on US Tour
From New York, Rae moved-on to California where she joined old friends like Gwyn Kirk, Judith le Blanc, Jackie Cabasso and others at a number of peace events, including a demonstration against the enormous amounts of money allocated to military expenditure by the government of the USA.
Rae Street said:
“It was great to meet old friends from the USA who had been so supportive of our successful campaign to get Cruise missiles removed from Greenham Common, and it is always a delight to be reminded that the peace and anti-nuclear movement is alive and well in the USA. We hear too little in the British media about the very active campaigns against the Trident and other nuclear weapons on the other side of the Atlantic. Trident, including the UK’s so-called ‘independent deterrent’, is a system very much in the control of the US government and many in the USA recognise that it is dangerous, immoral and ineffective. Like most people in Rochdale, they know that far from protecting anyone, nuclear missiles threaten to destroy our world.”
Sunday, April 12, 2015
'People Not Trident'
and littleborough Peace Group joined fellow campaigners from Greater
Manchester and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmanent (GMDCND) on the
streets yesterday (11 April 2015) urging people to think about the
issue of nuclear weapons when they vote on 7 May 2015. They highlighted
the fact that current plans to replace the Trident nuclear missile
system will cost the country a staggering £100 billion (£100,000,000,000)
and noted that the government already spends £6.6 million a day on
nuclear weapons. They described this as "an appalling waste" and
stressed that cancelling the Trident replacement would release around
£100 billion which could be spent on healthcare, education, housing and
energy, which they described as "the things we need".
Philip Gilligan, on behalf of the Peace Group, said:
"With the final vote on Trident replacement due in 2016, at an estimated cost of £100bn, this is the final election before the decision – and it is one which requires a higher level of debate than we are seeing at the moment. Senior military figures warn that the £100bn white elephant of Trident replacement does nothing to keep us safe. How a blind commitment to squandering our overstretched national resources on an outdated weapon of mass destruction can be touted as being "strong on defence" is beyond me.
"With the final vote on Trident replacement due in 2016, at an estimated cost of £100bn, this is the final election before the decision – and it is one which requires a higher level of debate than we are seeing at the moment. Senior military figures warn that the £100bn white elephant of Trident replacement does nothing to keep us safe. How a blind commitment to squandering our overstretched national resources on an outdated weapon of mass destruction can be touted as being "strong on defence" is beyond me.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Peace Group marks anniversary of nuclear disaster recorded by Rochdale artist
Members of Rochdale and Littleborough Peace
Group paused during their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday evening (11
March 2015) to remember the ongoing suffering of the thousands of children and
families affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. On the fourth anniversary
of the meltdown of three of the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear plant in Japan on 11 March 2011, they discussed the work of the ‘Strong
Children Japan’ project founded by Littleborough-born artist Geoff Read and
reiterated their call for a world free of nuclear weapons and nuclear power-plants.
On behalf of the group, Rae Street

For more information on
the ‘Strong Children Japan’ project, please see http://strongchildrenjapan. age%200-5
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Rochdale peace campaigners help close nuclear bomb factory

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Rochdale campaigners join 'peace-knits' to Wrap Up Trident
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Peace Group calls on Rochdale MPs to support diversion of £billions from Trident to the NHS
At its January meeting (14 January 2015), Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group welcomed news that former deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott has come ‘round to the view that the £billions currently earmarked for a new nuclear submarine fleet should be diverted to spending on the NHS.
Peace Group members were delighted to learn that Mr Prescott has suggested a straightforward way of resolving the deteriorating situation in the NHS. In an article in the Mirror, at the weekend, he expressed admiration for hospital workers caring
for his sister, but also noted that “councils have cut their care budgets – so more
elderly patients have to stay in hospital blocking beds because there aren’t
the care packages to help them in the community” and that “A&E waiting
times are now the worst since records began”. He concluded that “Crisis hit hospitals deserve our cash more than nuclear submarines”. (see uk-news/john-prescott-crisis- hit-hospitals-4957260#ICID= sharebar_twitter
Speaking on behalf of the Peace Group, Philip Gilligan said, "We know that Liz McInnes and Simon Danczuk share John Prescott’s horror at the impact of austerity on our health and social services. What we, now, need from our local MPs are clear promises that, if re-elected in May, they too would support a policy of diverting the £billions destined for a new nuclear weapons system to spending on the NHS. Will they join the former deputy leader of the Labour Party in stating unequivocally that cancelling so-called ‘Trident Replacement’, so that our loved ones can be cared for properly, is “a price worth paying”."
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